jctv is now juce tv

jctv is now juce tv

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

JUCE-TV - Your destination for Christian music, music videos, and youth television

JUCE-TV - Your destination for Christian music, music videos, and youth television
JUCE TV is a Christian youth network designed for the 13-30 age group. What makes JUCE TV different is that while most television networks are profit driven, meaning that they need to get something out of their viewers regardless of the social or emotional impact on their lives, JUCE TV wants to put back into the lives of our viewers by giving them programming that is not only entertaining but also builds up the viewer both individually and together as a community.

JUCE TV does this through multiple types of programming; Christ centered music videos with positive messages, relevant issue driven talk shows that equip viewers with solutions to everyday challenges. Action sports programming that highlight athletes making a difference in their communities, plus live events, concerts and much, much more.

JUCE TV's hope is to be a "light" by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ all over the world through programming on our Network which is more than just entertainment. The good news of Jesus, is that God loves you and that He has a plan for your life: plans for good not bad, to give you a hope and a future! This is something that we at JUCE TV are grateful to have experienced first hand through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and through the encouragement of the community of Christians who mercifully, although not always perfectly, follow God’s plan for their lives.
JUCE TV Programming:
Much of JUCE TV’s programming is music driven with solid blocks of straight music videos, top 10 music video count down shows, music video shows that feature interviews with many of today’s top artists - and special concert performances from some of today’s top concerts and festivals. However, we have a lot more than just music programming like: Action sports Live events, festivals, specials, and award shows Movies Variety shows Reality series Sketch and stand up comedy shows Issue driven talk shows…and more!

Where can I watch JUCE TV?
There are over 800 cities where JUCE TV is available right now through either cable or television broadcast! Go to the stations tab for a complete listing!
Viewers can also get JUCE TV on satellite anywhere in North America for free!
Go to www.glorystar.tv for more info.

Of course you can also watch us online, for free, right here! Just click the "watch now" tab.
JUCE TV also has hundreds of cable outlets outside of the United States.

Help us get JUCE TV on in you city!
Call your cable or satellite provider directly and let them know that JUCE TV is a TV network that you value and want or call our toll free number 1-866- WANT- JUCE TV and the automated system will patch you through to you local cable company were you can tell them you want JUCE TV!

JUCE TV forum:
Have you been to the JUCE TV forum where hundreds of JUCE TV viewers have created a safe community to talk about every thing from movies to God?

Photo gallery:
Be sure to check out the hundreds of pictures of some of your favorite JUCE TV personalities, bands and JUCE TV special events.

Want to submit a show to JUCE TV here's how:

JUCE TV Needs New Programming!!
1.) All programming must reflect the values of JUCE TV meaning it must be faith-based and must not promote anything that conflicts with Christian Values.

2.) All programming must relate to the age group (13-30) that we're trying to minister to. It must be the type of program that teens and young adults would watch on their own without being forced.

3.) The production quality must be professional.

4.) The overall quality of the program must be good or better than what we have airing on our network already. No public access or home movie-like quality programs please. We will not pull a good program to replace it with bad one.

Note: We DO NOT accept script or show ideas. We typically do not pay for programming but offer free air time to ministries who have the means to produce quality youth programming.

How to get JUCE TV!
Call toll free 1-866-WANT-JCTV. This automated system will connect you directly to you local cable provider where you can ask them to carry JUCE TV. You can also contact your cable or satellite provider directly and tell them that you want JUCE TV. (Be nice but ask often and tell your friends, as it takes hundreds of calls to get JUCE TV added to a new cable system)

Go to the JUCE TV web site: www.jctv.org. There you can watch JUCE TV "live" over the Internet 24/7. There is also a tab "stations update" that lists all of the cities where JUCE TV is already available: either thru cable, broadcast or multi cast. You can also send your cable provider an efax requesting JUCE TV from the JUCE TV web site.

Anybody in North America can get JUCE TV using a satellite dish. There is a one-time fee to buy the dish and have it installed but there are NO monthly fees to get JUCE TV 24/7 on via satellite. Call toll free 1-800-746-1735 or go to the Glory Star web site: www.glorystar.tv to find out how to buy a dish (Glory Star is not affiliated with TBN).

Digital multicast:
Most digital stations multicast several television signals over the air.
TBN stations multi cast the following TV Networks: TBN, JUCE TV, Enlace USA and The Church Channel. Viewers who purchase either set-top-boxes or purchase digital TV receivers with built in over-the-air tuners may watch any of these four channels free over the air. (Visit your local electronics store, like Radio Shack, for more information.)
Go to www.jctv.org to see were JUCE TV is available via Digital multicast.

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